The good, the bad, and the drunky

Let's start with a quick vent; I have come to the conclusion that very little on this earth is as rewarding and frustrating as trying to master an album. Seriously, in terms of how it can make you feel elated one second, and tearing your hair out the next, the only thing that comes close is trying to understand the rules of Deal or No Deal!
Yes, 'Lens Flare' is a mere fortnight away from completion. Recording finished. Mixing finished. Now only the final master stands between us and an album. However, it's getting there.
Better news though, is that some of my best friends had a joint birthday celebration recently, and fun, drink-induced evening of drunken karaoke it was too! The above pic is not from that night but features the birthday boys (Si & Jon) and should give a good idea of what hi-jinks ensue at these events.
Watch the films 'Brick' and 'Hard Candy'. Neither are easy viewing but both are worth it.
love and peace xxxx
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