Neon Ballroom

"Can I ask you a personal question?" yelled a drunk and terribly over-zealous beast of a man at me, disturbing the quiet drink I was enjoying with my friend the Feisty Hedgehog recently. Succumbing to my inner-politeness I nodded. At which point he launched an unprovoked attack on my personal shortcomings, focusing mainly on a skin condition I have which comes and goes. Stunned into silence by the shear audacity of this monstrous yeti, I was only brought back around when the trusty Hedgehog came to my aid and launched such a tirade of her feisty rage on him that he soon scurried away at a speed I have only previously seen in cartoons.
I'm sure in his silly, silly atom of a brain he was simply making conversation. What everyone else in the world heard, however, was "Raaaaahhhh!! Look atch your faysh!!". I came away from this encounter, more than anything, with a sense of pity. Some people are just born with an ignorant mindset which may start harmless enough but soon descends into personal attacks on individuals they do not know, and ignorance breeds hostility. In this way, I don't see a world of difference between an attack on someone's skin condition, or an attack on someone's skin colour. Or religion. Of course, the fallout is different for different situations, but I still believe it adds up to a single decision in the mind of an individual.
Not that I would dream of comparing my little encounter with the complexities of living in a war-torn country, town, village, or even a war-torn family. Those are horrors I could not even imagine, and won't try to write an opinion on them here, I'm not nearly enlightened enough the situations to make intelligent statements on them, have never experienced them, and believe me there are better people than I to read on those subjects.
This had started out with the intention of being a quick and mildly amusing blog about a drunken buffoon, but alas my brain started thinking about stuff, which is never a good thing. Might be back with another of Ian's Useless Movie Reviews soon, and boy have I seen some gems lately...
I'm pleased to see the feisty hedgehog has been entertaining enough to have been the inspiration behind yet another blog!
Cool pic!
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