Christ-sodding-mas is almost upon us. Jesus, where does this time go so quickly? It seems like only a mere 11 months ago I was making my New Year's resolutions, when in fact it was a massive
12 months (
sidenote: I made 2 resolutions, one of which I achieved, the other cost too much). In keeping with the spirit of the season according to Saint Bastard, as we're all gearing up to celebrate the birth of someone who probably didn't exist, the management team at my place of work, The Wonder-Booze Emporium (shop name changed to protect the guilty) have been getting slightly more inventive with our in-store
xmas decorations by naming and shaming stupid fucking children. And also because it's funny.

Whilst actually having some money this week, which will soon be gone down to a certain selfish son of god (yes, I'm a Christmas cynic, get over it. Humbug etc), I've been letting my senses dazzle in nostalgia by remembering what it's like to go to the pub and see people that aren't on a TV screen living aboard a
Battlestar. Also, The
Si-ning got ill which led to the funniest ill voice
EVER, the cause for much amusement at
Hockster's birthday bash at the weekend. Of course we all had a great time, and
mucho cool prezzie giving was done, followed by
foody goodness and
drinky fun, but the majority of the evening was spent shouting "
Say this" at Si-
ning to see what it would sound like in his diseased comedy tones. Sadly, he's now better, which means we've got to find another ridicule monkey before Dec 25
th to make sure
xmas isn't a complete loss.

My chum
Pete Jonerty and I have been engaging in a friendly, rival Albums Of The Year blog contest, and much to everyone
else's annoyance or disinterest (depending on who you talk to) it's starting to get a bit tense. It's not that we have wildly different tastes - in fact it's quite the opposite as so far our Top 10's are looking to be startlingly similar - it's more the effort being put in. Blogs are being written free-hand in advance, edited, typed out, edited again, then strategically posted. Not so this week though, as we posted the
EXACT same album at the
EXACT same position for
EXACTLY the same reason at near enough
EXACTLY the same time. Spooky, like unknown telepathy or something.... Maybe I
am the third twin?
That's a gorgeous selecton of family portraits there, yes, you can be the third twin, we'll be holding the induction ceremony & initiation (in which my mum will have to give birth to you, maybe symbolically, maybe literally, haven't decided yet) at pub this weekend!
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