Dr. Acula

I recently upgraded my blog account to the new blogger beta site, foolishly believing that an upgrade can only be a good thing. It listed so many groovy-sounding new features, like so many html carrots being dangles in my face that I blindly went ahead. However, so far the only feature I've discovered is the inability to comment on anyone's non-beta blog, or for them to comment on mine. So apologies if it looks like I'm ignoring you, it's just bloody blogger! The internet is rubbish.
On a happier note, and where the internet most definitely isn't rubbish, the brand spanky swanky new Alphino website is live!!! There's a couple of bugs to iron out with the domain name, even though we bloody own it, but the content is pretty much up to speed. Lovely new photos, singy-songs and info galore are now all there for you to enjoy! Spread the word, tell your friends, and send us any thoughts/feedback you have to alphino@aol.com
Ooh... not long til the album's out now (which, coincidently, you'll be able to buy through said new website)... just a bit longer!.....
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