Out Of A Coma

Well, what a kerfuffle it's been in the news this week, with one story in particular getting everyone worked up. I've been thinking about it as well, and it has led me to a life-altering choice.
I've decided to adopt a celebrity millionaire from abroad. Now, I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not simply "shopping for people" just because I'm not famous, have no money or fame pulling-power of any kind. All I'm trying to do is give one of these fortunate people a life outside their hell-hole of popularity, beauty and excess. These people deserve our pity, living such meaningful lives with every chance of a bright and happy future, and anything I can do to prevent such a fate for any of them is nothing more than my civic duty. As long as I get a pretty one.

My god, it's no wonder they act the way they do, kissing each other just because of the colour of their phones, when this is all they have to look forward to! If it was me I know I'd probably almost be content by now, and that's something I hope I never have to live through. And so, the responsibility falls to me, being underprivileged as I am, to reach out my dirty hand and say "Come, famous one, there is a shit world out there, let me show it to you. Oh, and change the channel and get me a beer". Sometimes I think I give too much.

So there it is, my plan to help those more fortunate. It won't be easy to choose who the lucky celebrity will be, as I will have to evaluate each case individually (I've heard the ones from California come with a free tiny dog). But I will keep you informed, and rest assured it will be a senseless and uninformed decision. As long as I get a pretty one.
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