
But I actually ventured out tonight, despite feeling like chewing gum on a shoe, which I'm assuming would feel a bit rubbish. And wouldn't you know it, lo and behold, after drinking a fair bit of alcohol I started to feel better. Funny that.
And then the sickly feelings returned, and the merriment I had enjoyed all around me faded into the sort of stupid and morose thoughts that you get when your mind drifts off into self-pity - the usual bollocks 'woe-is-me' kind of thing when I have absolutely NOTHING to be woeful about. Sometimes I wish you could switch certain emotions off and just enjoy what you're doing. Such as tonight, as it was a complete joy to be in the company of my amazing friends (something I haven't done for a while for money reasons), so much so that for a time I forgot I was ill.
And that means more to me than Christmas. Because Christmas is every year and pre-determined, whereas tonight just happened... That probably doesn't make sense, and I like that.
yes, yes, good, pissed am I. Number two, post it, I have, yes, yes, come on , good photo, is it?
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