For The Restless

Been a strange week, filled with more ups and downs, more highs and lows than I can remember for a long while. Our album 'Lens Flare' came out this week. After over a year of hard work writing, recording and designing, we were finally done. We had a whole massive box of shiny brand new CDs ready to go, which is something I never thought I'd see. And people were excited about it, not just our friends but new fans we'd made abroad as well (and I say this in disbelief, as I don't think either myself or James imagined ever having people we didn't know order the album from overseas). More than anything I wanted to enjoy this.
And for a day I did. The day after the album was done, James and the amazing Jonster got our website up to speed so people could buy the album at a simple click of a button. It looks amazing, so check it out HERE.
I was meant to be at the website meeting, but had been hit by a coldy thing and then had to work.
The next day I don't remember a lot of, except drifting in and out of shouty sleep and having a face that felt 20 feet wide with roadworks going on inside it, and no voice to speak of (so to say).
The next day (today) I physically could not leave my bed before 4pm (I tried once and bashed my ribs pretty good), and still had no voice. By 7pm I was feeling better-ish, and all my friends were going out for the evening. I knew there was no way I could drink as I'd not eaten for 3 days straight and was on anti-biotics, and more than a sip of water every hour brought on the vom. But still I thought it might do me good. Alas the weather was shit, so I thought a 20-minute walk in torrential wind and rain might set my recovery back a few days.
Tomorrow I am working, and I'll be fine for that, but certainly in no mood for the pub afterwards.
So, absolutely elated about the album release this week, something our friends have been waiting a while for now. Could not be more happy. And totally devastated that I won't be able to see my friends and be there when they get a copy. This is selfish and I know it, it doesn't matter if I'm there or not... Like I said, conflicted...
UPDATED: Went to the pub after finishing work in the end... and had a great time... and don't even get me started on Dirky Dancing!
Sounds like you threw up all the antibiotics anyway, so you could have come out to play the night before aswell! Missed opportunity!
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