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I don't normally post about serious issues, as I find it best to not talk about things you don't understand too well, such as politics. But I have very definite veiws on things, and today one story in the news caught my eye and I needed a vent.
Yesterday the death toll of American soldiers in Iraq reached 2,978, which is 5 more than the amount of people that died in the September 11th attacks. I'm not even going to mention the thousands more of Iraqi's that have been killed in this pointless conflict (I'm not nearly well-versed enough to make intelligent comment on it), for more information on the war casualties head here, but the tragic irony in this news is so thick I had to mention it.
On September 11th we witnessed the worst and most horrific terrorist act in our history, which took more lives than any terrorist action had previously done. So what happened? We invaded Iraq, a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the attack, on the basis of a "war against terror". We invaded a country that just so happened to be unbelievably rich in oil, and a former ally to the U.S, because they were alleged to hold weapons of mass distruction. Which they didn't. And now this charade of a war in a country that had nothing to do with September 11th had led to more American deaths than the hideous terrorism that sparked the fire.

I know that nobody who died on 9/11 had a choice either, and were the victims of pure, unadulterated evil. But we had a choice NOT to send these soldiers. We had a choice NOT to involve innocent bystanders in war. And we chose not to make that choice, a choice that could have saved thousands of lives?.... Aren't we supposed to be the good guys?
Good guys? Us? Bollocks!
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