
Today I was sickened. Even more so than on Monday when my body decided to evacuate all fluids from me due to a piece of dodgy lamb. Today I was sickened by one simple thing.... Valentine's sodding Day!
I hate Valentine's Day. Now, before any conclusions are jumped to, I don't hate it because I'm single and hate all other people in relationships (read: jealousy). Not the case. I'm actually enjoying being single. Not enjoying it because I'm out every night with a different floozy on my arm and have grown accustom to fleeting encounters, because I'm not, and couldn't be even if I had the means/looks/charisma to do that. No, I'm enjoying it because I'm selfish and lazy, and not having any commitments suits me just fine right now.
The reason I hate Val's Day is simple (and further enhanced by working the night in a booze emporium); stupid, stupid people rushing around spending obscene amounts of money on things they don't need, like and won't last more than an hour (chocolates, champagne, etc). Why? Because they love their partner so much they just had to tell them? Because they had an epiphany at work that they can't live without them? No!
Because it's a globally advertised national fucking holiday. I would be the first to praise these people for their thoughtfulness were it not in every TV advert/newspaper/shop window around the whole country. No one wants to do this on February 14th, as no one's bank balance has recovered from xmas yet, but they all do because apparently everyone needs a preordained day in the year to remember to be nice to their partner. Is it not possible to just be nice to them when you feel like it?
This is a double-edge sword that even my argument can't rise to, and which further infuriates me about this day. Let's say you're the sort of person that actually does compliment your partner, or buy them gifts on a whim throughout the year simply because you want to express how they make you feel... and then you don't get them anything on Val's Day. Will the argument 'But I buy you gifts or take you for a meal all the time when I want to, I don't need a calendar day to remind me I love you' work? Not a chance. If you show your love 264 days of the year, but not Val's Day... you may as well be dead.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So I say damn YOU, Saint Valentine, you evil whoring cock!
Oh, you hopeless romantic you.
Guess who?
I can't think of anything to say to all that bittery-twistiness, so I shall say only this, with the hope of lifting you from your cynical gloom...
i totally agree with you about V-Day. As for those Brit awards, believe me, our Grammy awards are even worse.
Oh can I keep you? I should look into reading your stuff more often...don't know how I missed this one.
But honestly, you're basically perfect. (Obviously no one's perfect...but you're close :])
I would be so overjoyed if the guy I was with showed his feelings ANYTIME...Valentine's is just another day...And I'd love the guy regardless of what day it is.
I want to keep you. :]
x x x Mandy
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