BRITS, Brits and Cracking Tits

Oh, Joss Stone, you complete pranny. Prancing and preening about on the stage of the BRIT awards, affecting your oh-so-genuine Home Counties yankee accent, and then deciding to try and trade comedy put-downs with Russell Brand. In the words of TV God Simon Amstell, "You won't win!"
This year's BRITS was a typically tiresome affair. In stark contrast with last year's pre-recorded ceremony (which was actually pretty great as they just made it a big long gig with some awards lobbed quickly at people in between sets), this year's much-heralded "live" show was a snoozefest of the highest order, with the only good performance coming from the Chilli Peppers - a band I don't even like!
On a different note, Britney's gone COMPLETELY MENTAL and shaved her OWN HEAD a day after checking out of REHAB! Hooray, pop's fun again!
Or is it? Is it even surprising? About 3 years ago, circa her 'Toxic' era (which I still maintain is a classic), myself and Jenster were half-drunkenly talking about our celebrity crushes, and I cited Britney. There were 2 main reasons for this: Firstly, cuz at the time she was putting out ace cheesy pop music. Secondly, she seemed ever so slightly loopy and I imagined she'd be a fascinating experiment of a human being to be in a relationship with.
It's too easy to laugh at her. Far too easy. Much harder is to look beyond the headlines and see the fucked-up girl at the heart of it. I personally hope Britney sorts herself the fuck out and learns how to be a good mum.
"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children"
I kind of hope she doesn't sort herself out. Personally, I find her much more entertaining now that she's a baldy, than when she had dumbass piggly-tails.
Yes, gorgeous picture and all, but you've had nearly three weeks to come up with something else. Come on! Unleash your warped mind. You're only as fertile as your last blog! So the saying goes.
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