Hoocha Hoocha Hoocha... Peanut

A cacophony of fun events recently greeted me like the slightly senile aunt you don't visit much, asking "where have you been then?", before ruffling the unwashed hair of my soul. Where had I been indeed? It had been too long, and now finally having the funds to do so, I embarked on nearly three social events in one week!
First up was Pure Reason Revolution with the loud funny, almost drunky Jonster, a slightly reserved Hockster, and the lovely, lovely Chloe from Pure Reason Revolution.... Oh! yes, there was a band as well. And mighty grand they were, swelling the crowd to within an inch of bursting their sweaty grooving bodies. New badges, awesome support band (the first one anyway), dancing, booze, and two hours of ogling Chloe as they finally went wrong in a song before dazzling us with techno-goodies!
Skip to 2 days later. London is the place, now is the time, baby! After annoying fellow bus travellers because we actually wanted to talk at 2pm, in the Big Smoke did we arrive (myself, Jonster and Meesh). Food ate (nearly killed by pizza), drink drunk (is it possible to find a decent pint of ale in London, or any pint for under £3?), before on to the Hope & Anchor for Celery Peanuts - I said Celery - and more beer. I almost managed to convinced Meesh I was choking after Jonster flicked a dry-roasted into my tankard of ale, but alas I wasn't wearing the Pete Doherty hat so I lost all my desire to Fuck Forever.
Kristin Hersh, you frighten me a tad, but your support band, The McScarys, will give me nightmares from here to eternity! Bendy freaks and unnerving string warbles do not a comfortable disposition make. It's lucky they were ace, helped along by the Invisible Shot Drinking Game. And Kristin... I can almost see you... apart from that couple devouring each other's faces a metre from my own... Ooh, there you are! Yes, very good you are too... and Ooh, whaddya know, there's Chloe from PRR in the audience 20 feet away (surely that's fate?). Old women on buses stories and excellent tunes ensue sung in the 'I've just eaten half a ton of gravel and I like it' stylee. Quite frankly one of the best things I've ever seen, despite pizza nausea and live soft-core porn.
One more trick left: How to get Meesh to sleep... try getting her to say the words "I feel wide-awake now".... doesn't sound likely, but trust me.
Best of all, nearly everyone I know is now addicted to Battlestar Galactica, which means a bit less piss-taking at the pub.... although Heroes is better.....
I am still recovering from THAT picture. I'll need a third helping of pizza, with extra celery!
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