Wishful Thinking

On a recent visit to see my grandparents, I was asked a question that posed something of a conundrum. To put this entire story into perspective, My grandparents (like most people's I imagine) are very old school. Now, I do not mean this in the cool way the kids speak. As amusing as the notion is, I don't think my Gran is out everything weekend at a hip-hop 80's stylee rave whilst Grandad busts a move "keeping it real".
Nope, they're blessed to be from a time without modern distractions such as therapy, the internet, etc. As my Grandad once said (and was later stolen and used in the first Spider-Man film), "Computer Analysts? Do even computers need analysts these days?".
So on my recent visit, whilst enjoying a milky cuppa and a biccy, my Gran ventured the question "So when are you going to get a girlfriend then?". Like so many times before, my mind turned to the comedy response... 'give it time'... 'not for lack of trying'... etc.
But in truth I don't think this is true anymore. With further thought it dawned on me that it's COMPLETELY from a lack of trying. I have slipped into far too comfortable a routine, one that pretty much has no responsibilities or demands. Does that mean I'm going to try and change this situation? I honestly don't know, and wouldn't know where to begin. But the truth remains, I have simply stopped trying.
Despite this new found realisation, my Gran may have a fairly long wait before her endgame is achieved. Thinly veiled as grand-parental concern, her true reasoning behind this enquiry soon became apparent. Why was she taking an interest in my lack of love-life?
"It's been ages since I've been to a wedding!"
Nope, they're blessed to be from a time without modern distractions such as therapy, the internet, etc. As my Grandad once said (and was later stolen and used in the first Spider-Man film), "Computer Analysts? Do even computers need analysts these days?".
So on my recent visit, whilst enjoying a milky cuppa and a biccy, my Gran ventured the question "So when are you going to get a girlfriend then?". Like so many times before, my mind turned to the comedy response... 'give it time'... 'not for lack of trying'... etc.
But in truth I don't think this is true anymore. With further thought it dawned on me that it's COMPLETELY from a lack of trying. I have slipped into far too comfortable a routine, one that pretty much has no responsibilities or demands. Does that mean I'm going to try and change this situation? I honestly don't know, and wouldn't know where to begin. But the truth remains, I have simply stopped trying.
Despite this new found realisation, my Gran may have a fairly long wait before her endgame is achieved. Thinly veiled as grand-parental concern, her true reasoning behind this enquiry soon became apparent. Why was she taking an interest in my lack of love-life?
"It's been ages since I've been to a wedding!"
Your writing interests me. Always. We think a lot the same you and I...why do I say that? Because I just wrote a blog that is strangely similar. (No I didn't copy) :] Hope you've had a good day.
x x x
Yes, it's been ages since I went to wedding too. And you know how much I live for weddings and babies and mortgages and makeup and dresses and cake and dancing and babies and flowers and babies and hairdos and babies. Hurry!
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