All Change

Non-dull. It's not a word, or term, or whatever you may call it. Chances are, you, dear reader, are far more adept at grammar than I, so I shall leave it to your judgement.
But it's my blog. So I don't care.
Two weeks (18 days to be exact) since I stopped smoking. On July 1st England became a no-smoking zone. Apart from 3 puffs whilst feeling ill on that exact day I have not had a cigarette since then. It's not a lot of time, I admit, so I can hardly claim a massive victory. But as I smoked pretty heavily since I was fifteen (which makes 13 years), most days not surviving on less than 20 cigs a day, I am unshakable in my belief that this is quite impressive for me.
Will it last? Who knows. Do I like not smoking? Not in the slightest. How has it been? Interesting. Week one was full of novelty, as despite wanting to smoke, not smoking was a new thing for me. Like a new t-shirt before you get bored of it, or a new book before you finish it. Week two, however, was like going through puberty again; a mash of raging hormones, with the novelty factor now severely worn off and really wanting to smoke and being incredibly angry that I couldn't/didn't want to.
But then you put it in perspective. Friends are having babies, friends are buying houses, friends are doing far more important things than simply choosing not to have a cigarette.
And then, as if by magic (hee hee, reference ahoy!), a certain wizard appeared and made everything all right. Yes, not only was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix so amazing that I saw it twice in 3 days (and plan to see it again) but we are roughly 48 hours, at time of writing, from the VERY! LAST! BOOK!.... EVER!
Jenster has invited me to get drunk with her on Friday night, then dress all wizardly and portkey ourselves to a bookstore opening at midnight to purchase a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows... and hopefully scare some children in the process!
Yes, we're cool and you know it! Word!
I take umbrage at having been depicted as Dolores Umbrige...
Yes well done, what do you want, a medal? Are you ready (der-de-der) to get drunk on Potter?
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Go on have a puff, you know you want to!
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