By The Power Of Optimus!

So, yeah, I would blog about Paris Hilton being released from prison after serving only 3 days of her already reduced sentence of 23 days (she was meant to be in for 43 days) for 'medical reasons'. But I'm not going to. Instead go here for a much better account of these events that sums up all my anger about this much better than I could.
Instead, let's look to the 80's. A time when bright green headbands and a love for A-Ha wasn't just acceptable, but expected (as they should be today). Something caught my eye in movie news today that makes me jump for joy and fills me with dread at the same time. Probably more the dread thing!
Unless you've been dead (apologies if you are), you'll have noticed that a live-action film of Transformers is hitting the silver screen in little under a month. That's not what I'm scared of. Many militant 'transfans', as they call themselves (and quite frankly that's the worst name you could give yourself as a collective and hope to still sound cool), were up in arms about this film. Then they saw the trailer and consequently shit themselves in glee! I'm not fussed about design changes or making Bumblebee a Camarro instead of a VW Bug, and I say that as a huge Transformers fan that cried as a child whilst watching 'Transformers: The Movie'. All I care about is massive robots transforming into cool stuff, and that Peter Cullen is doing the voice of Optimus Prime (he IS Optimus!).
That said, today's announcement leave me a little numb with disbelief. No doubt fuelled by the love the Transformers film is now getting, a live action film has been green lit of.... THUNDERCATS!
I am not lying. A live-action Thundercats!
I loved Thundercats, and it's still among my favourite 80's guilty pleasures, but a live-action version? I feel like someone just shit in my mouth.

There's a reason cartoons work as cartoons! Although I bet Jenster thinks this film sounds awesome!
Back to the 80's and Transformers for a second, click here for the greatest video of ALL TIME!!!!!
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