Sneezles & Wheezles

Despite my (admittedly sarcastic) joy at the emergence of the sun recently, a sad fact has now dawned on me. I love it when we find ourselves on the cusp of summer, with lighter evenings, glorious sunshine and beer garden visits aplenty. But, once this initial euphoria subsides, a couple of conundrums occupy my brain-like appendage.
Firstly, I will soon be held deep in the throws of hay fever. I never had hay fever as a child, or anytime in fact until 2 years ago when it gripped me in its mucus fist and demanded that I was breathing far too easily and by Hades it was going to do something about that! Strangely, this is roughly the same time that I acquired my oh-so-lovely skin condition, which leads me to believe that nature is nothing more than a practical joker. "You shall be happy and cheery, my lad, but you shall also look hideous, be full of phlegm and unable to respirate properly" it screams as it looms over my slimy, wheezey visage.
Secondly, and this one actually bothers me more (which says a lot about my priorities), now that summer is in full-on approach mode, we are mere weeks aways from the musical dry season. Yes, dear bloggies, after an incredibly strong start to the year in the world of music (Arcade Fire, Bloc Party, LCD, Shins, Klaxons, Gruff Rhys - I'm looking at you!) we are on the verge of being subjected to a barrage of shit that comes second only to Xmas' 'best of' period. Only two things give me hope; Tom McRae and Matthew Good's forthcoming new albums. Both are due in the midst of summer and both, ironically, were delayed and should have been out ages ago. But rest assured, they will be your salvation in the coming months of shitty dance, pop diarrhea and novelty discharge.
If that doesn't work then just stay in and watch 'Drive' instead. Trust me, it's mega!
Firstly, I will soon be held deep in the throws of hay fever. I never had hay fever as a child, or anytime in fact until 2 years ago when it gripped me in its mucus fist and demanded that I was breathing far too easily and by Hades it was going to do something about that! Strangely, this is roughly the same time that I acquired my oh-so-lovely skin condition, which leads me to believe that nature is nothing more than a practical joker. "You shall be happy and cheery, my lad, but you shall also look hideous, be full of phlegm and unable to respirate properly" it screams as it looms over my slimy, wheezey visage.
Secondly, and this one actually bothers me more (which says a lot about my priorities), now that summer is in full-on approach mode, we are mere weeks aways from the musical dry season. Yes, dear bloggies, after an incredibly strong start to the year in the world of music (Arcade Fire, Bloc Party, LCD, Shins, Klaxons, Gruff Rhys - I'm looking at you!) we are on the verge of being subjected to a barrage of shit that comes second only to Xmas' 'best of' period. Only two things give me hope; Tom McRae and Matthew Good's forthcoming new albums. Both are due in the midst of summer and both, ironically, were delayed and should have been out ages ago. But rest assured, they will be your salvation in the coming months of shitty dance, pop diarrhea and novelty discharge.
If that doesn't work then just stay in and watch 'Drive' instead. Trust me, it's mega!
Oh my God I'm keeping you.
Your writing ALWAYS makes me grin.
Sorry about the Hay Fever-ness. That sucks. Me=never had it. So, erm...stay on your side of the pond for now so that I don't get it okies? :] I probably won't get it whether you stay over there or not, but...just saying. (my way of rubbing in the fact that I have the most amazing immune system known to man lol) love it. :]
I miss your face. And thanks for making me smile and laugh just now. You're fantastic.
x x x
oh...and pigglyfish...I seriously almost died just now reading that...props to you and your fantastic friends...that was amazingly entertaining. x x x
I have never heard of this mysterious Heiy-fee-var condition before, what could it mean?
No good summer music? What are you arsing talking about? Blonde Redhead, Manic Street Preachers, Tori Amos, Ash, Bjork, Rufus Wainwright, there's oodles of listening fun in our dazzling future!
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