Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Everything Zen

In a perfect world, or even a half-sensible one, the 6th anniversary of the September 11th attacks would be a time for respectful contemplation, sorrow and mourning. The atrocities of that day deserve that.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where George W. Bush is still president. And while Tony Blair may be gone now, his early merits are now clearly tainted by his naive puppy-dog following of Bush into this generation's Vietnam War.

Bush is responsible for sending more Americans to their death than ever died in the 9/11 attacks. Blair is responsible for allowing us to be part of this, which makes us as blood-stained as him.

6 years on, I'd hoped to have found some clarity about this whole situation by this point. And I just have. The following is an interview George W. Bush gave to an Irish journalist a couple of years ago just before he was due to meet with the Irish Prime Minister. The 1st half will make you happy to see the monkey squirm... the 2nd should make your blood boil.

This interview was filmed by an American film crew covering his trip...

It was then banned by US networks and has NEVER been aired in the US.


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