Hooray! Great Bad News for everyone!

50 Cent said that a few weeks back after Kanye moved the release of his new album to coincide with Fiddy's. Maybe he shouldn't have spoken so soon...
HOORAY! Not only has Kanye outsold Fiddy, but by a landslide, almost 200,000 copies in the states and 10,000 here in Blighty.
So was Fiddy just talking the talk for promotional purposes, or did he mean it? It seems as though he meant it, as the day after the album charts were announced he cancelled EVERY live appearance he had scheduled (and I mean all of them, one so last minute as to be less than 20 hours from broadcast).

And thank you, Fiddy, for being so supremely arrogant for betting your career and thinking you could hold a candle against Kanye West (who, by the way, is a genius).
I'm not being ironic in that last sentence, I've got Kanye's new album and it's incredible. The man is a master!
"I don't know anyone who'd do anything that tacky."

How Vanessa Hudgens must be be regretting passing judgement nowadays.
Vanessa Hudgens, if you don't know, is a star from Disney's 'High School Musical' series, which has made zillions around the globe. In a sweet teen-dream story, she's rumoured to be dating Zach Efron, the male lead from High School Musical. Which is all lovely.

They're not fake though, and she has publicly apologised for the photos to her pre-teen fans. Speculation has alleged boyfriend and equal Disney star Zach Efron as the photographer... but this sways me from the good news...
Hooray! Despite Disney's initial calm she's been sacked!!!!
How is it that you know so much about Musical Bobbins High School Thingumy, and yet shun The Fizz?
Simple economics, the Musical Bobbins has been all over the news... the Fizz, not so much. As it should be!
All this from the man that ridiculed me for having a localised smattering of Kanye on my iTunes not so long ago. And on the subject of High School Bemusical, I only have this to say: Long live The Fizz!
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