Monday, August 22, 2005

The Back Room

I haven't told anyone about this blog site, and since the last post has had zero comments I guess no one really knows/cares about it. That seems pretty fun to me. Gives me liberty to talk about anything, not just Alphino-related stuff, and vent til I burst.

So today, doctor's to get this everlasting virus/cough gone for good. Typically, a few tests were done and not much else. Someone I know has this theory that the government are still spraying chemical shit into the air and that's why the docs won't give out antibiotics anymore. Since all I needed was a simple dose of (legal) pills to get rid of a cough, and got nothing, it's seems like an ok theory. But then I'm sleep-deprived and a crazy british man.

Sooooo, we've been booked to play Boscombe Music Festival on Saturday 3rd September! It should be an awesome day out. We'll be onstage about 5pm so make sure you don't miss it - and why would you? For £6 you get a full day's worth of bands on a beautiful saturday! Are you mad or something?

Now I throw the floor open... what have you been up to? Details, stories, filthy limericks... it's all good!

Peace out xxxx

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Cemented Shoes

Hello all in cyber-land!

I have no clue if anyone is, or will be, reading this, but i thought it might be fun to create a blog to give a more inside and personal view of the Alphino world. Also I'm incredibly narcissistic and love talking about me! (joke!!!)

The main Alphino site is still where you need to go for all official happenings, news and downloads, but..... oh enough explaining, you get the idea. So a few facts:

1) I'm rubbish at pretty much everything computer related, so don't expect this to be a fancy blog site. In fact, count it as a good day if there's words on here. Please don't ask things that actually involve some knowledge of computers or the internet, as I'll try my best but most likely will end up scratching my head and resembling a stupid, stupid monkey for the best part of a day.

2) Ask anything you like. This is a personal blog, and therefore it's important to get to know people on a personal basis. I'll share things, you share things... pretty standard really. But anything official regarding the band please ask the main site. I might be able to give you hints on some stuff, but our manager will kill me if I blabber so it's the band site you need for that.

3) Play nice. What I love about blog sites is that you get to meet new people. I've done it myself, just started talking to folks who visit blogs, next thing you know you're meeting up at gigs and have become good buddies. But if anyone starts getting out of line (and by that I mean insults, any kind of prejudice or personal attacks) then bye-bye, you're gone!

4) I have competely run out of things that you should know, and I only got to 4. That's really rubbish, isn't it? Ooh, how about this! I most likely will be posting some pics of James (hereafter known as Fisty) and Paul (Pow Bang-Bang) in he future, and may even create you some wallpapers of their lovely faces. So ladies get stocking up on photo paper!

Ok, first post done! I'll post soon when I can think of something to say, and this damn summer cold has vacated my body. love and peace xxxxx Ian